Friday, October 29, 2010


Today I am tired. Not just physically tired but mentally tired. I know in my flesh when I am exhausted I just want to slip away into “my space” and relax. However, that is not reality. There is my family that needs me, and checking out is not always the best option.

The times I decide to stay in the game, I receive abundant blessings from my family. You see, I used to be a person who checked out when I became tired. I thought it best for me, because when I am drained I tend to develop a short temperament.

For most of us when we are pooped (like I am right now), we start thinking of ourselves, putting ourselves first and what we need to do to take care of me. We tend to rationalize that this type of selfishness saying that it is what’s best for others. Well let me tell you, you may be wrong and missing out on some amazing blessings.

But things changed for me when I began to communicate to my family my levels of exhaustion. I decide to not check out, and they decided to be patient with me.

When I do this, the most awesome blessings come my way. My wife offers to rub my feet, my daughter asks me what she can do to help me and my son, well he is my hero, because when I sit on the couch he finds the remote for the TV and places it next to me.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of how my family so richly blesses and honors me. What are you missing out on? It is okay to be tired, but do not forget to communicate that to your family. Don’t decide to check out, because your family may just do the same to you.

It is amazing when they start to honor and bless you. I love my family and the way they honor me through the little things in life.

Here is a short video that is a great example of how we all feel sometimes.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It is interesting when we are driving and see a sign that says stop, we stop. If we do not stop there are possible consequences. We could receive a ticket, collide into an accident or hit someone crossing the street. Because of the consequences, we obey the sign. We are trained to know that if we do not stop, we can potentially suffer. Unfortunately, this tends to characterize our lives. We stop for stop signs, but continually move forward in everything else. As a Christian how does this apply to us?

Okay, let me ask you a question: how many times has God asked you to stop? Did you listen? Well, let me be up front with you. This is a problem for me. I become so busy with life I tend not to stop and look around at what God has blessed me with: my wife, my kids and the most awesome church ever. Sometimes the only way God can stop me is to physically shut me down. At that point I finally look up and say, “Okay God, my attention is all yours.”

Growing as a man and as Christian I have learned I need to take time to slow down, STOP, look up and realize that I our glorious king wants to talk to me. Yes me. Wow, what an awesome king. And when He speaks it is some of the most profound moments in my life. If I never stopped to look up and listen, I would never be the man I am today.

Is God throwing stop signs in front of you? Are you listening for his words? Are you ignoring stop signs from God? And how many wonderful moments had been missed with your creator who just wanted to spend time with you, yes you. On God’s behalf I say to you: “STOP.” It will be worth every moment.