Thursday, February 16, 2012

What Happened?

Growing up I was taught the skill of “not giving up.” It was taught to be part of my DNA. I remember as a child getting frustrated with school, and my dad encouraging me to keep working on it. He would say, “Hang in there. You will figure it out.”

My dad always pushed me to follow through and never give up: “Even if you are not the best you always finish and hold your head up high.” Today I push my kids with the same attitude and passion my dad had, wanting my kids to be the best they can be. 

So my question: What happened? 

Today I see kids throwing temper tantrums when they can’t figure something out and walking away with the attitude that they are not smart enough to figure it out. I see kids of all ages NOT having the DNA of following through or sticking with something. 

There is no regard that they gave their word, and they don’t care if they break it. I even see adults today doing the same thing of not following through with their word in two areas:

1.       Ministry. They make a commitment to come aboard, and when it gets tough or requires a little extra, they say they do not have time or “I am not qualified.”
2.       Marriage. When things get tough or take a little extra effort to work through, they call a quits. They don’t provide the energy or time to work on it.

Well we wonder where our kids get it from, and we wonder why they so easily give up. What has been their example? 

In our kids’ world we demand them to follow through, and we get upset when they easily give up. Kids are products of their homes, plain and simple. 

What happened to that spirit that set us apart as a nation, a people, and most important of all, as Christians?