Friday, March 16, 2012

Goodbye To Gray

Our proverbial “gray areas.” I’m talking about those ambiguous areas we hold to with our kids like, “Do as I say, not as I do. Only Mommy and Daddy can use those words. Never question your parents. Kids are to be seen and not to be heard.” I could go on and on. 

When we create these ambiguous areas our integrity as a parent is put to question. And when our kids question our ambiguous statements, actions or motives, we create excuses and fabricate this alternate reality to make an expectation of ourselves. But really, we leave our children scratching their heads in confusion. 

It’s just plain crazy!

We want our children to live their lives with integrity and not maintain these “gray areas,” but for that to happen we have to live it out first. We need to exist in the real world of imperfection.

We are flawed, but forgiven. Be honest with yourself and with your children. Free yourselves to live in the freedom Christ has given. 

There is nothing wrong with letting your children know you are an imperfect parent who makes mistakes and has to ask a perfect God for forgiveness. 

What are the “gray areas” in your life?