What has happened in our society today? Why don’t we
see people holding hands anymore? For the last couple of months, I have
observed people in different places and settings, while watching to see who held
hands and who did not hold hands. Through my observation and personal
experience, I would like to share with you the incredible connection and powerful
healing that holding hands can bring.
Starting from when I was young, holding hands was common
among children and adults. As I think back, I remember holding my Dad’s hand
and feeling safe and secure. On occasion, I would even run up to a teacher and
grab their hand to let them know I cared about them in my own special little
way. As a teenager, holding hands with a young lady was a message to the other
boys that said, “She is mine and I care about her.” and vice versa. I even
watched adults holding hands as they walked down the street showing their love
for one another.However, something has changed in our society today. Despite the fact that I am not an expert and there is no written data available; I have arrived at the following conclusions:
hand holders: I have seen more teenagers holding
hands than adults. Of the adults that were holding hands, most of them were
older in their years. Furthermore, there was about a 50/50 split in parents who
held their little kids hands.
non-hand holders: the biggest group was between the ages
of 25-45 years old. They walked without talking to each other and sometimes
focused more on the kids than each other. They seemed agitated and driven to
get to their next destination. They showed little to no joy in each other and
sometimes, one or both people were on their cell phones.
Holding hands with someone creates an incredible
connection of safety, communication and love for one another. Yet, why has
holding hands with our loved ones become secondary to holding our phones or
holding a grudge against each other? I truly believe this trend stems from a
very real enemy that keeps us extremely busy, distracted and self-centered. When
we hold hands, we are showing the world that we are united as one and focused
on the other person and not ourselves. Having that physical connection is
another way of saying, “You are important to me and whatever is going on, we
are going to get through it together.”
Consider for a moment, how your loved ones would
feel if you held their hand as much as you hold your cell phone? How would that
make you feel if someone did that for you? And so, I encourage you to commit to
holding the hands of your loved ones and see what you get back in return. Let
the enemy know that despite his efforts, we are united with the ones we love.