Friday, September 10, 2010


It is sometimes so easy to forgive others or to even ask for forgiveness from others. We are always forgiving of our kids and their faults as it causes us to reflect back on our faults and how God has forgiven us. I forgive you should be a part of our regular vocabulary, especially in the home, as forgiveness is an essential part of our salvation.

The bible says that when we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior we are forgiven and we are a new creation in His sight. However, there is a huge problem that affects so many of us, and truly cripples us as parents and adults. It is so debilitating that some even turn from God because of this internal problem that is fed by the enemy himself.

Okay, I will let it out of the bag and say what some do not want to hear or deal with. Even though we are forgiven we are unable to forgive ourselves. That’s right we are unable to forgive ourselves for our past transgressions. The problem is we are not living in the freedom that Jesus’ death bought for us. We are robbing ourselves of living in a freedom that truly transforms us into the people God wants us to be. Bottom line we are not fully usable by God!

The enemy (Satan) is so cunning and crafty he keeps whispering in our ears reminding us of our short comings, keeping us focused on our guilt and not on God. Not to give Satan all the credit, we are very good at reminding ourselves that because of our past we are not able to move forward and are definitely not able to serve in ministry in the church. In addition, we are robbing our kids of truly understanding the joy and freedom that comes from living in the grace of Christ. Instead we are teaching them that the past will always follow and cripple us and the joy of salvation can only be enjoyed when we get to heaven. Who are we to rob our children of this?

Well, this is what I have to say to those who live in this internal prison, “Get over it and get your act together!” The only person standing in your way is you! When you read the bible you see so many dysfunctional backwards people who are used by God. Are you going to wait for God to turn your life upside down to get your attention (like Jonah and the big fish)? The minute you accepted Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior you were qualified for ministry and the joy that comes with serving. However, you are the barrier in experiencing that joy. It is time to forgive yourself, because God has forgiven you! It is time to enjoy the true freedom of living free from the past and making kingdom difference in people’s lives, freeing them from the prisons they have enslaved themselves in.

Freedom has been purchased for all of us, so let’s fully live life in the joy and excitement we were designed for!

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