Sunday, September 19, 2010


Example. What a huge word with many implications. However, in the Christian community this word is becoming less and less effective. The word example becomes subdued by the word action. Yes, our actions. We are called to be an example of Christ, but then our actions speak differently. So often when I am sharing with a non-believer they will point out to me someone they know who says they are a Christian, but lives a life contradictory.

Why claim to be a Christian, and then live a life completely different? Were we not put here to be an example of Christ? Does not the word “Christian” have the word “Christ” in it? Why do we live outside of what God wants for us and make a mockery of the Christian faith?

At times, we desire to live our lives by our standards and not God’s. We place ourselves in front of Christ, and when we do this we prove that we cannot trust ourselves. How could we ever live a life sold-out for Christ? How are we to trust Christ, if our misplaced trust is in ourselves?

If we feel our needs are greater than His, then He will always lose. This is what others, specifically non-believers, see of Christians. This is the example we are leaving for those who are searching for the truth. It is ultimately our decision to trust in Christ and truly step out in faith.

Now the real problem: children. It is the little ones who look up to us for guidance, strength and what it means to be a Christian, become disillusioned. I see it every week in the children who come to Shepherd of the Hills Church. I hear words, see actions, receive questions and witness children only growing in their faith from being at church, when they should be growing more in the home. It is a tragedy that this is the path we are leaving for our children.

Example. How does this word fit into you and your family? Are your actions overtaking the example we are commanded to set for our kids? Do not get me wrong, we are going to struggle. However, how we handle that struggle will speak volumes into our kids and neighbors lives.

Let me go out on a limb here. Try taking the next month to live entirely sold-out for Jesus Christ, and see what happens to you and your family. It will not be easy at first, and furthermore, the enemy will not be happy. But living for Christ will strengthen you and your family and create a change for generations to come. For those of you who are living as an example, thank you, well done, and stay the course.              

At the end of the day our actions must reflect that of a person who is wholly sold-out for Jesus Christ. There is no option in this, only action. 

1 comment:

  1. Living sold out for Christ has helped correct 10 years of "good upbringing" in short order. I know there is still a lot of work to do, but living the example and having examples I can point to at Shepherd make it easier to raise my daughter to be a Godly young lady.
