Friday, September 24, 2010


What is parenting? What does a parent look like? And why does it hurt so much? These are a few of the questions I receive from parents who are struggling through each day. They attempt to maintain a bit of sanity to remind themselves they have to do this parenting thing all over again tomorrow. 
Here is what I want you to do: STOP. Stop everything bouncing around your mind and block out all the sound around you. Take a deep breath and close your eyes as you prepare to continue reading. Okay, you have cleared your mind, and now I need you to focus on what I will share with you. 
Our first question: “What is parenting?” Parenting is about the struggle of whether or not you made the right decision, said the right things or had been the parent your child needed. Sometimes you may ask yourself, “Am I even a good parent?" You made the best decisions you could, and you are an awesome parent. Just by reading this you obviously care about your child and want to be a great parent. That is what parenting is all about. It is about searching and struggling for the right answers and the right direction for your kid. 
It is now time to stand up, look in a mirror and truly search within you. I will still be here when you return…leave now. All right, now that you are settled back in, the second question had been, “What does a parent look like?” When you looked in the mirror, you saw what a parent looked liked. God has given you his most precious gift to care for, and you are now qualified to be a parent. Parenting is based upon our decisions, and at times we can make poor decisions that our children suffer for. However, parenting isn’t about perfect choices. It’s about doing your best with what God has given you. So smile and know you are on the right track. 
Now to the more daunting question, “Why does it hurt so much?” Wow, this is a tough question to answer, but I will attempt to put you at ease. Parenting can hurt a great deal from the poor decisions we make, the poor decisions our children make and the pressure we place on ourselves wanting our child not to make mistakes. First, you will make mistakes, “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…”(Romans 3:23, NIV). Second, your kid will make mistakes as they find their way in this world. Third, we tend to set the bar so high for ourselves as parents we position ourselves for failure right out of the gate.
Why is this self-imposed bar so high? Maybe we are worried about what others think more than allowing our child to fail and receive a teaching moment. Or maybe we do not want our kid to relive our childhood. Whatever the reason, it is something we need to take a reality check. Take a breath, relax and know you are a great parent. Worrying is part of the job. It will not go away, but you can alleviate the burdens by gaining perspective on things.
To close, I want to say something that is not said too often: you are the perfect parent. God chose you to be your child’s parent, and the God I know, does not make mistakes. What an honor. I want you to know that I am so proud of you. To care about your child and to want to be a better parent makes you a hero. Yes, a hero. Stay the course. Now turn off your computer, hug your child in your arms and feel a little less burdened.               

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