Saturday, May 14, 2011


So often when we hear the word boundaries we tend to think of fences or dividing lines between us and our neighbors. Even in sports we have boundaries defining the area of play for a sport, and of course, the lane dividers keeping us from encroaching into someone else’s lane.

There are boundaries all around us. Everywhere we go and in everything we do, boundaries are just part of our lives; however, when it comes to our personal lives and our interaction with people and family boundaries go out the window.

I know growing up for me the concept of boundaries and how to use them was a foreign concept. So often the traditional boundary-violation system is passed down from generation to generation. This violation, or lack of being taught boundaries, has led to a generation of people who cannot say no, and if they do they feel guilty for saying it. Or they let others run all over them because they do not know how to set a boundary and lost the ability to know who they really are as a person. When you have a lack of boundaries you are letting others define who you are.

When I read the Bible I see a very big God who sets very clear and definable boundaries. Let’s take a look at the Ten Commandments with very clear and established boundaries, and Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5) who were given a very clear boundary of no stealing. Just look at the consequences they suffered for their violation of God’s boundary.

Second, what are the boundaries we are showing for our kids? Are we teaching them how to respectfully say no, or are we as parents violating our kids’ boundaries because we are so weak with ours that we will not allow them to have theirs?

You want a healthy strong child sold out for Christ? Then help them to set and respect boundaries and to see that God has boundaries for all of us. Please share with me your story of discovering boundaries in your life.

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